Thursday, November 18, 2010

Critical Elements of Virabhadrasana III

  1. Begin by standing in Tadasana, or Mountain Pose.
  2. Raise arms above your head and perpendicular to the floor with your palms facing each other.
  3. Move your left or right foot behind you slightly. Move your arms forward as well, forming a diagonal line with your arms, body and outstretched leg.
  4. Lift the outstretched leg up and straighten it, while moving your arms forward to be parallel with the floor. The end pose requires your arms, body and outstretched leg to be all parallel to the floor, with your other leg forming a strong foundation.  Remember to keep this knee straight.
  5. After holding this power for a minute or two, return back to Tadasana, or Mountain Pose.
In Virabhadrasana III, your back should be stretched from the arms and legs. In this pose, your abdomen is a core muscle group utilized, as well as your thighs, hamstrings and shoulders.

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